Today I will make a small entertaimment post. I start with this spanish sentence.
"....ser mas dificil que poner una pica en Flandes". Es una frase hecha español que se formalizo durante el reinado de Felipe II, debido a la gran dificultad que poseia el imperio español en colocar un soldado de los tercios en su territorio norteño de Europa.
".... to be harder than put a pikemen in Flanders." (this can be not a correct translation, sorry). This Spanish phrase was formalized during the reign of Philip II, due to the great difficulty that the Spanish Empire had put a soldier of "tercios" in this Northern Europe territory of Flanders.
Flandes, era un provincia del Imperio Español, que comprendia una liga de condados y ciudades catolicas (la actual Bélgica), territorios Franceses (Dunkerque,...) y un conjunto de territorios llamados el flandes borgoñon (territorios ligados a los borgoñones por conquista). Estos territorios desde casi el principio de su integración al imperio fue un continuo desgaste economico-militar-politico-religioso. Debido a su mala gestión al faltar inicialmente un virrey o potestado del Emperador en la provincia. Luego la intolerancia religiosa y la mala gestión fueron caldo de cultura para las continuas rebeliones y problemas.
Flanders was a province of the Spanish Empire, which included a league of Catholic counties and cities (now Belgium), some French territories (Dunkerque, ...) and a set of territories called the Burgundian Flanders (linked to the Burgundian territories by previus conquest). These territories since almost the beginning of their integration into the empire was a continuous military-economic-political-religious bleeding out. Iniatilly The absence fo viceroy, after the poor management in the province and then religious intolerance and mismanagement were broth culture for continuous rebellions and problems.
La solución como era normal en el antiguo regimen fueron el guante de hierro y el guante de seda. El ejercito encabezado por los tercios Viejos y las alianzas y concesiones politicas.
The solution were the "iron glove" and "silk gloves" as was common in the old regime. The army headed by "Tercios Viejos" and strengthen pace with alliances and political concessions.
Los enemigos de España aun que variaron según el momento fueron Inglaterra, hugonotes Franceses, miembros de la nobleza local en concreto el Duque de Orange... dificultaron todo lo posible que el imperio Español no fuese capaz de asegurar dicha provincia, asi que como es logico intentaron que ni por mar ni por el famoso camino español (genova, milan, suiza, bavaria, luxemburgo, flandes) fuese lo mas incomodo posible o directamente imposible.
Spain's enemies varied according to time were mainly England, French Huguenots and members of the local nobility in particular the Duke of Orange ... hampered every effort the Spanish Empire. They tried to make for the spanish were not able to secure the province. They atack the sea military convoys or the famed "Spanish Way" (Genoa, Milan, Switzerland, Bavaria, Luxembourg, Flanders) tryint to make uncomfortable as possible or bleed for each step to Flanders.
De ahi viene la frase y aqui acaba mi post.
This is the reason of the sentence and here I finish my post.
Saludos y Hasta la próxima!
Greetings and See you soon!
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